School To Work

Local Learning and Employment Networks (LLENs) across the state coordinate Work Based Learning opportunities for Victorian students through a program called School to Work. Since 2016, LLENs have created over 26,000 opportunities in partnership with the Department of Education and Training.

On-the-job training
for students.

The Victorian Government funds LLENs to deliver the School to Work program, which involves coordinating work-based learning opportunities.
Some of these work-based learning opportunities are integrated into vocational education and training (VET) programs, which can be part of the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE), including the VCE Vocational Major, or the Victorian Pathways Certificate.

Work-based learning opportunities coordinated by LLENs include

A great opportunity
for employers.

We can help you connect with, and inspire your future workforce. It doesn't matter if you haven't engaged with students before, we are with you every step of the way. Contact your Local Learning and Employment Network to get started and we’ll guide you through the rest!

If you’re an employer, working with us will give you the opportunity to:

School to Work Portal

If you’re a student or teacher, a great place to find work-based learning opportuities is the School to Work Portal. You can search for placements by industry, VET course or location.