About Us

The Victorian Local Learning and Employment Networks (VicLLENs) is the collaboration and collective voice of Victoria’s 31 LLENs, covering every corner of the state. Each LLEN is an incorporated association governed by a volunteer board. LLENs are committed to working with their local communities and across Victoria to improve the education, training, and employment outcomes of all young people. We proudly work with a wide range of stakeholders, including the Department of Education and Training, schools, TAFEs, community organisations, and businesses of all sizes, to build sustainable partnerships. These partnerships enable us to connect students with meaningful opportunities, provide work placements, and educate young people on what industries can offer. Through collaboration with employers, industry groups, and local leaders, we strive to create tailored pathways that empower young people to achieve their aspirations and build strong, vibrant communities across Victoria.

Our Vision

Our vision is that every young Victorian is supported to complete their secondary education with the confidence, knowledge, skills and connections required to successfully transition to further education, training or employment.

Our Story

In 2000, the Minister for Post Compulsory Education and Training, the Hon. Lynne Kosky, expressed concern about the number of young people “falling through the cracks”, disengaging from school, not continuing with further education and training, and not gaining sufficient skills to meet the needs of employers. This led to a Ministerial Review of Post-Compulsory Education and Training Pathways, chaired by Peter Kirby.
The review heard submissions from all over the state, with many supporting the idea of local actions for local needs, linking agencies and cutting bureaucratic red tape to work for young people. The ‘Kirby Report’ recommended the formation of Local Learning and Employment Networks (LLENs). Each LLEN was formed in 2001-2002 with funding from the Victorian Government. LLENs quickly developed a focus on applied learning and expertise in creating place-based partnerships to improve outcomes for all young people.

Our Track Record

Our Approach

We believe it takes a whole-of-community approach to ensure all young people successfully transition to the world of work. To do this, LLENs often work in the ‘spaces-in-between’, creating new links between young people, schools, employers, families, government and the broader community. We asked LLEN leaders and partners to describe what we do. Here’s what we heard:

Ready to make a difference?

Reach out

Employers, if you’d like to engage with local students and schools, or you’re an Educator working in a school, please contact your Local Learning and Employment Network.


If you’re a large organisation, tertiary educator or  have multiple locations across the state and would like to connect with multiple LLENs, please contact communications@vicllens.org.au


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