28 Feb Just Announced: The 2022 School to Work Program
The 2022 School to Work Summit program has been officially launched.

The Summit Program features:
- 7.5 hours of PD, learning and networking
- Over 40 speakers
- 6 mini masterclasses
Here is a breakdown of the program:
Session 1 - The Experts
Our first session will feature powerful insights from experts, initiators and agitators on the school to work journey. John Firth (Firth Review), Ro Allen (Human Rights Commissioner) and Howard Kelly (Kirby Review) will set the scene with their reflections on vocational education, applied learning and place-based partnerships. We’ll hear from Professors Kitty te Riele (UTas), Damian Blake (Deakin) and John Polesel (UniMelb) and find out about the latest research into what connects students and employers. Two teams of comedians, students, educators and industry leaders will then go head-to-head in “The Great School to Work Debate”.
Session Breakdown:
- From Kirby to Firth - How do we connect our education system with future workforce opportunities? What can we learn from the past 20 years of education reform?
- How Work Works - What does the latest research tell us about employers, students and the journey from school to work?
- The Big Question - How do we ensure that every student has a great pathway from school to work?
- The Great School To Work Debate - Two talented teams will debate whether the role of a school is to create the workers of the future.
Session 2 - The Innovators
How do you do that? Our second session includes 6 mini-masterclasses by innovators and educators, exploring gender equality in trades, early engagement, ed-tech, neurodiversity, entrepreneurship and school industry partnerships. You’ll learn how to:
- Engage younger students in vocational pathways
- Get girls into higher-paying trades
- Use virtual reality and EdTech to connect students with hard to reach industries
- Build mutually-beneficial partnerships between schools and industries
- Connect neurodiverse students with vocational pathways
- Inspire the next generation of entrepreneurs
Session 3 - The Leaders
Hear from leaders, change-makers and ground-breakers. The final session will explore how we can drive change in education and training, with a focus on the implementation of the Vocational Major. We’ll be inspired by Fiona Nash (Regional Education Commissioner) and Jen Buchanan (Future Schools Alliance) and find out how we can mobilise fresh ideas into tangible actions.
- Leading Change - How do we lead change in schools and beyond?
- Championing VET in Schools: Victoria’s Senior Secondary Pathways Reforms - Meet Victoria's VET Champions and find out how we can support all students to engage with vocational pathways on their journey from school to work.
- Commit, Connect & Wrap Up - What do we want to do next? What can we do together? Discover new networks and opportunities to stay connected.
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